© Peter
Lok, 1997. All rights Reserved.
NOTE: This article was originally written in 1997 and was current for the time. Advances in conventional weaponry and communications have occurred in the 15 years since then. At some point I'll write an update to this.
Starship Troopers - Flickr / PopCultureGeek.com |
For some reason, Hollywood has not done justice to warfare in science fiction.
Science fiction writers in general do not do justice to warfare in the future.
Most of the science fiction out there uses technology that is backward by
today's standards. One of the best exceptions to this rule would be space
operas like "Star Wars." Another exception would be intense world building
books like "Dune" which uses military conflict only to as an aspect of building
the fantastically strange culture within it.
Basically, the situation sucks in science fiction though. About the only
thing that is done right is the fact that a grunt still has to go out and
hold ground. It is about human courage and perseverence that carries the
fight and the day. As humans we are typically outgunned to boot so we need
all the firepower we can get, so this document will try to set the record
This work will be broken up into three parts. The first part will be a listing
of technology available to several types of science fiction infantry and
conventional U.S. Marines of the 1990s. A discussion of the comparative
effectiveness of the various types of infantry presented will then be done.
The third part will cover what the military in the United States is trying
to develop for the twenty-first century. The technology of the future battlefield
will also be discussed, and the key point is about how lethal the environment
will be.
Science Fiction Infantry Compared
Science fiction infantry covers a massive spectrum. For the purposes of this
discussion, only 3 near future types of infantry will be covered. They are
troop types that are identifiable to us, and are more easily dealt with due
to their similarity to our current concept of a soldier.
Starship Troopers - The Book by Robert A. Heinlein
Heinlein was the first to portray powered infantry. "Powered" means infantry
using armoured exoskeletons that are power/hydraulically assisted to enhance
the strength of the soldier. This is the most powerful type of infantry to
be discussed in this paper. These are highly trained, elite infantrymen who
are the equivalent of today's elite troops like marines or paratroops.
Infantry Weapons/Armour
Powered Armour Suit "you look like a big steel gorilla, armed
with gorilla sized weapons."
2000 lbs of steel forged to make a sealed NBC and vacuum protected
Suit enhances the natural strength of a trooper and and easily crush a gorilla.
- Suits can be controlled so a trooper can pick up an egg without breaking
Suits are worn like a second skin so it is natural and subconscious to use
Has ability to move fast in low bounds by leaping. Can leap onto low buildings.
Has rocket assisted takeoff and landing for longer/higher leaps and landings.
Has hand and heavy flamers - a heavy duty laser continuous beam laser weapon.
Have back-mounted automated bomb launchers.
Decoy grenades and real grenades.
Troopers have a high explosive or nuclear rocket launcher.
Communications Gear
Helmet mounted radios - at least 3 audio circuits.
Sensory Enhancement Gear
IR Snoopers
Rangefinders - probably laser.
Audio enhancers.
Radar mappers to see platoon dispositions and map.
Homing beacon locator.
Other Gear
On-board recycling system for air and human wastes, built-in
thermal signature suppresion, medication injectors, water nipples, nutrient
Gyro-stabilized suits.
Built-in diagnostics in the suits, can be remote monitored
by platoon leader.
Squad Organization
Squad leader - sargeant in command suit.
9 grunts - in marauder suits.
NOTES: Are command, marauder, and scout suits. There is a special
weapons squad.
Starship Troopers - The Movie
Infantry Weapons/Armour
Morita Smartrifle - conventional design, has a high magazine
capacity (more than 30 rounds the way they fired in the movie - but it is
hard to believe they could have had more considering it fires a 7.62 mm cased
round and the small size of the magazines). Fires at 600 rpm. Seems to have
a undermounted pump shotgun.
MX-90 hand grenade.
Tactical Nuke Launcher that fires the MN3 tactical nuclear
warhead with smart guidance.
M3 tactical helmet.
Some kind of vest - probably ballistic cloth.
Communications Gear
Beltcom on belt
Com backpack
Sensory Enhancement Gear
Some night vision scopes and telescopic sights
Electronic binoculars.
Other Gear
Squad organization
Squad leader - armed with rifle.
9 grunts - 1 rocket launcher, all armed with rifles.
NOTES: Have access to heavy machineguns. Assault craft have some kind
of energy cannon or mortar.
Colonial Marines From The Aliens Movie
Infantry Weapons/Armour
M-41A Pulse Rifle - bullpup rifle design, 99 round magazine,
10 mm HEAP caseless round has an integral undermounted pump action grenade
launcher with 5 rounds. Fires on full auto around 600 rpm.
Smartguns - light machineguns that are semi-autonomous in
targeting, enhancing the gunner, large magazine capacities.
Pistols - a mix of various calibers and magazine
Flame throwers.
Chest plates made of alloy for front and back protection.
Armoured boots + alloy greaves.
Communications Gear
Helmet mounted radios
Helmet mounted cameras to show squad leader what the squad
Sensory Enhancement Gear
Infra-red vision enhancers
Electronic binoculars
Other Gear
Squad organization
Lieutenant commands a squad
1 squad leader - sargeant
2 fire teams of 4. 1 smart gun, 1 flamer, 2 riflemen in each.
NOTES: Have heavy machine guns - that can be operated as remotes with 1000
round magazines. and armoured personnel carriers with heavy weapons (light
cannon?). Can call in tactical nuclear strikes from space, or nerve gas.
Marines are dropped in within an APC from a dropship (crew 2) that is armed
with guns, and rockets/missles. Lieutenant stays in the APC to monitor the
vital signs of the troopers, checking maps, and giving guidance to his men.
Conventional US Marines of the late 1990s
Infantry Weapons/Armour
M-16A2 assault rifle - conventional design, 30 round magazine,
5.56 mm jacketed SS109 ball ammo. Semi-auto and 3 round burst
M-203 grenade launcher mounted underneath an M16. Fires a variety
of 40mm grenades including shot shell, HE, HEAP, Smoke.
M249 Squad automatic weapon - light machinegun, 5.56 mm ammo,
200 round ammo box, and take M16 ammo magazines.
AT4 Rocket launcher - Anti-tank rocket.
Variety of hand grenades including M49 high explosive.
Beretta M9 - 9mm semi-automatic pistol, 15 round magazine.
Flack jackets
Kevlar helmet
Claymore mines
Communications Gear
Backpack radios
Smoke grenades
Sensory Enhancement Gear
LI goggles
Thermal sights for rifle
Telescopic sights for rifle
Other Gear
NBC gear
Entrenching tool
Squad Organization
1 Squad leader - sargeant
2 fire teams - 1 rifleman/grenadier, 1 SAW gunner, 2 riflemen each.
NOTES: Squads have access to call in heavier weapons such as heavy machineguns,
SMAW bunker busting rocket launcher teams, anti-tank missle teams, automatic
grenade launchers, anti-aircaft missle teams, and mortars. Close air-support
is also a big bonus, along being able to call in fire missions from field
artillery. In addition the marines have tanks and armour personnel carriers
with a variety of weapons ranging from machine guns, light cannon, and heavy
Discussion of the the Troop Types
The troop types presented above show some typical science fiction and
conventional late-20
th century infantry. From a firepower perspective
the Starship Troopers from Heinlein's novel are miniature tanks easily capable
of taking on a platoons of the other types of soldier presented. The power-suited
troopers are fast, mobile, and coordinated with devastating firepower at
their disposal. The next most powerful troops would the the Colonial Marines
from Aliens. These tough hombres pack a reasonable facsimile of near future
firepower, but still falls short of the potential firepower available to
the 21
st century soldier. Their large magazine capacity rifles
with integral grenade launchers, sensor gear, and smart guns give them an
edge in fire power over 20
th century troops. The late
th century marine troops have the next most available firepower
with the soldiers in the Starship Troopers movie being the most badly
undergunned. It is no wonder the soldiers in Starship Troopers got annihilated
as they couldn't bring enough firepower to bear against attacking bugs. The
use of nukes by lightly protected infantry is also pretty bad and it reminds
me of a cartoon I once saw where a puzzled soldier tries to figure out how
to throw a
nuclear hand grenade far enough away when it has a lethal
radius of a kilometre. This ranking of the troop types would also apply if
they fought against each other, with the Colonial Marines and the current
day marines being fairly on par.
Against waves of enemies charging across open ground the Heinlein Starship
Troopers of the novel would be able to maneuver and fire an amazing amount
of firepower. They would be able to use nuclear weapons at much closer ranges
than the other troop types, have high-energy weapons capable burning swaths
of enemies. To clear out an area near them they can also auto-dispense bombs
to buy breathing space, not to mention jump out. The Colonial Marines would
make a good showing, especially with the heavy weapons on the the APC and
close air support from the drop ship. These marines could put out a lot of
lead in short order. The current day marines would have slightly less personal
firepower, and would have access to as-lethal close air-support, armour support,
and artillery. The Starship Troopers in the movie seemed to be badly undergunned
and on their own.
In close quarters the Heinlein Starship Troopers of the novel would be at
an increased disadvantage as their superior firepower and mobility would
be limited. They would be unable to get the full potential from their battle
suits or use the big weapons as they could collapse buildings on themselves
or hit each other. The other types of troops would be at a lesser disadvantage
as their personal firepower is still mainly a bullet firing gun and their
mobility and cover is at a maximum.
The Twenty-first Century Soldier and His Battlefield
The battlefield of the 21
st century is going to be a very lethal
one. The introduction of computers into all weapon components, making "smart
weapons", will make life short and deadly on the receiving end. Very few
science fiction settings present technology that is close to what the near
future will likely hold in store for us.
The typical gear of the 21
st century infantryman will be a head
to toe sealed combat environment suit of armour plates and kevlar. This suit
will have built in environmental control (to handle conditions from the arctic
to the tropics), IR signature suppression, be sealed against chemical and
biological weapons, and offer at least some full body protection from
bullets/shrapnel/mines. The soldier will have a tactical helmet with a map
display, built-in radio link, GPS positioning from satellite, with enhanced
hearing, and night vision gear. The rifle will still be the standard weapon
with a high capacity magazine firing high velocity caseless ammunition with
telescopic sights and laser range finder. Both the range finder and telescopic
sight can transmit data from the weapon to the soldiers helmet and to
headquarters. An integral grenade/mini-rocket launcher will be part of the
rifle. The grenades/mini-rockets will be possibly be smart enough so a soldier
will be able to laser designate a target and have the grenade fly right at
it with pinpoint accuracy or even detonate a meter behind it to get any soldiers
using the wall for cover. In addition, the soldiers will have backpack mounted
smart missles that are fire and forget to destroy larger targets like tanks
and bunkers. Large armoured vehicles in this environment are very vulnerable
and need lots of point-defence protection from smart artillery rounds, and
missles to avoid obsolescence. Smaller robot tanks that have AI or are remotely
operated may have a better chance at surviving. An infantryman in this
environment may have a better chance at survival as they are more stealthy,
but would be rapidly finished off if spotted and enough firepower is brought
to bear. The infantry will now be more dispersed for survival and their biggest
problem is still one of mobility, something that will still require a solution.
Officers will also have more information on the exact position of their soldiers,
be able to see what they see, and have unprecedented command and control
abilities on the battlefield.
Speculation about the future is speculation. In military technology, you
can only assume the battlefield gets more lethal and that combat becomes
more intense. The face of combat will change, and may even become obsolete
due to technological progress. While men are still involved in fighting,
they will always want the best weapons available and blood will be spilled.
Let us make sure they are not armed with second rate weapons, especially
if they fight an alien menace. This is going to make storytelling a little
harder, but storytelling is about creativity.
Appendix A. Stupid things involving weaponry in Sci Fi
1. X-File novel "Ruins" - Use of a mortar to level a pyramid of rock. This
should only take about a year to do so.
2. Lasers - In general these weapons usually pack a punch, but they sure
seem to fire slowly on TV. A submachinegun and a couple of grenades would
clean out a pack of Klingons or stormtroopers advancing down a hall in no
time. Lasers are almost never properly implemented. If they fire a pulse,
it'll be more like a flash - like the pistols from Battlestar Galactica.
No one also ever uses a high energy continuous beam - probably useful for
slicing and dicing everything.
3. Grenades - Are almost never used in science fiction, but a real infantryman
uses them whenever they can to clear a room, knock out a strongpoint, etc.
4. Carebears wiping out the Emperor's crack legion in "Return of the Jedi".
How does a miniature bow with a stone arrowhead penetrate hard body armour?
5. Starship boardings - Use directional mines such as claymores to fill the
whole corridor with lethal shrapnel. Guaranteed to stop pirates or navy boarding